Ebby. Chelsea. "I like Chelsea and Michael Essien."


Why Chelsea? I asked. “I like Chelsea and Michael Essien.” Ebenezer Adu Twum, or Ebby, is everything this blog is about. He was born in Ghana, lives in Italy, supports an English club and is currently on a few weeks student exchange in Montreal (so we could meet). I suspect he supports Chelsea primarily because Michael Essien plays there. He is not alone in following … Continue reading CHELSEA, EBBY

Jamie. Montréal Impact. "It's Montréal man!"


Why Impact? I asked. “It’s Montreal, man!” The spring is back in town, even if temporarily. I took my first long walk today and spotted this young fellow in Montreal Impact, or Impact de Montréal, shirt. His car had a flat tire so he couldn’t run away. It is fitting for my first spring encounter to wear this shirt. Just two days ago the Impact … Continue reading MONTREAL IMPACT, JAMIE